Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Power of Blogs

As we all know, media is a very powerful tool in educating people and instilling new thinking. Blog communities are growing rapidly. Every second, there for blogs registered. Blogs is an alternative channel to disseminate messages.

With blogs and internet, almost every thing is possible. Just a click on the mouse and a search engine, users can get information about every thing. The speed and the amount of information that users get through internet are much better than the conventional ones. Take an example, the VirginiaTech gunshot incident; information on the incident was so vast where just a Virginia word typed in the search engine, the results was shocking!

Talking about the power of blogging, it is so overwhelming. Take an example -- Apple's market cap to plummet by US$4 billion in the span of just a few minutes just because of news posted on a blog.

In the entertainment industry, blogs are very powerful too. Karen Kong, one of Malaysia’s most popular singers, got a recording contract because of her blog. She like other ordinary girl who loves to blog and just within days, her blog was visited by hundred thousands of people.

Looked at the examples that I listed? We cannot underestimate the power of blogs!!!

Readings and References:

Cechols, 2007, The Power of Blogging: $4 million in 6 minuites? [Online, accessed 7 June 2007]

Cechols, 2007, EctoTechnica: Behold! The Power of Blogging [Online, accessed 7 June 2007]

Nolan, C. 2005, Blogs' Power Stretches Far Beyond Politics [Online, accessed 7 "June 2007]

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